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Defroster rubber dashboard
2 130 kr
SKU: GUM-2279
Enhet: couple
Under the dash are the defroster vents that blow air onto the inside of the windshield. The defroster rubbers are mounted on the rear part of the oblong emissions, i.e. closest to the steering wheel. Look at the pictures and you will see how they should be assembled. They are newly manufactured in exact original design, and fit perfectly as you can see in the pictures. They are sold in pairs and are exactly what you need for a car. ATTENTION! Check out the pictures under Tips!
Glue the defroster rubbers on the rear part of the oblong emissions, i.e. closest to the steering wheel. look at the pictures and you will see how they should be assembled. Scrape clean first apply the glue and fix until it dries, KEM-3090 is a perfect glue to mount the rubbers on the defroster emissions.
Scrape the spills clean before gluing. 
Glue defrosts the rubbers 
This is how the work is described in the Cadillac 1959 workshop manual.