This is the bushing that sits in the cone at the back of the gearbox. This is a newly manufactured replacement that has a length of 31.5mm. Thus, it is a little longer than the original bushing, but it only gets better because it becomes more stable. One or two bushings are required depending on the model year. Check out the pictures under the Tips tab! which shows how we change the bushings on a 1960 Cadillac. If you have vibrations in the rear part of the gearbox, it may be due to the bushings being loose. Feel if the intermediate shaft plays up and down where the yoke enters the gearbox, if the play is noticeable, it may be time for a bushing change. The bushing is sold individually.
The new bushings are a little longer than the original bushings.
So this is what the original bushings look like before we pressed them out. 
Be careful when pressing in new bushings, preferably use a hydraulic press. 
If there are two bushings, press one at a time 
It is good to leave a space between the bushings for lubrication
Tap gently with a hammer so that the bushings seat properly in the cone.

Then check before you mount the cone back on the gearbox so that the yoke slides nicely in the new bushings
If the bushings are too long, you can cut them off with e.g. a dremmel, or fine caprondell before pressing them into the cone.
Here's how to change bushings:
Remove the cone from the gearbox.
Press the stuffing box and the old bushings out of the cone.
Press new bushings into the cone.
Test fit the yoke in the cone before fitting the stuffing box.
The yoke should turn easily in the cone.
If it doesn't, you can try spinning the cone when it is on the yoke and at the same time lightly tap the cone with a hammer.
Then the bushings are centered in the cone.
Install a new stuffing box in the cone.
Refit the cone with a new cone gasket.