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Includes 500 SEK refundable core deposit

Windscreen wiper motor vacuum, refurbished

4 940 kr

SKU: TOR-4247 Enhet: piece


Renoverad torkarmotor, som är modifierad så att det inte finns någon parkerings funktion, så torkarna går tillbaka till viloläge . Detta beror på att det var en väldigt dålig funktion 1946-48 så var renoverare bygger dom utan denna funktion för att få dom att fungera bättre. Motorn slås på och av med vacuum till det lilla vacuum uttaget.
Enligt katalogerna passar den till serie 60S och serie 62 . Jämför bilderna med din gamla motor, det finns många undantag, ersättningar och modifieringar under dom här åren kring andra världskriget.


Check that linkage and wires run easily and do not bind. Also check that you have a proper vacuum for the wiper motor.

Trade-in deposit

Exchange detail, deposit. This part is a refurbished original Cadillac part.
The price above includes the deposit fee, when you buy this spare part a fee is included which we call the Deposit.
It works so that when you get this spare part to your home, it comes with a note that you fill out.
Attach the tag to your old, well-cleaned spare part, send it to us in any way you choose, you pay the shipping.
When we get your old spare part back, we check that it is a complete, refurbishable and correct original part we received in return.
If everything is ok, we will send the deposit (the money) back to you, or if you want it to be credited to the next time you shop. You decide where and how you want the money when you fill in the deposit form.
If you are unsure whether it is a deposit we approve, contact us first. If the deposit is not OK, you will not get the money back.