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Lamp table 1953, 12 Volt


This is a bulb chart from a Cadillac original workshop manual, use it as a guide if you are unsure of which bulb to buy.

SKU: GLO-53 Enhet: piece


Download Lamp Table 1953 (PDF)
This is a bulb chart from a Cadillac original workshop manual, use it as a guide if you are unsure of which bulb to buy.

We use the original numbers on the bulbs in most cases, we just add zeros in front. We have almost every original bulb that Cadillac used from 1941-1976 in stock. One problem is that Cadillac replaced the lamps with slightly different numbers back and forth, it can be different depending on which literature you read, often it is basically the same lamp but with different numbers. We have chosen to keep all the numbers we know in stock, so you can sometimes find several different lamp numbers for the same location.

Good luck with the light bulbs, if you need help, please contact us.